5Tory Scum

The Weekly Sceptic

Uploaded on October 4, 2022

Welcome to the Weekly Sceptic, the Daily Sceptic podcast. This Week Toby joins Nick from the Tory party conference in Birmingham (well, from a Starbucks sorry about the sound). Toby and Nick discuss highlights from the conference, YouTubes double standards with Russell Brand and the NIH, the ongoing battle with PayPal, low IQ protesters, whether Toby is Tory Scum or not, Gordon Browns 45% bomb, Michael Goves stand up career, Kemi being a legend, the reappearance of the online safety bill, Kanye West and Candace Owens checkmating the internet with racism, Liz Truss putting a spanner in King Charles plans to pontificate. Toby also temporarily joins team James. Nick and Will Jones also discus Wills top Daily Sceptic stories from the past week. And Peak Woke returns! Please go to https://dailysceptic.org/ and make a donation so we can keep bringing you all this high quality content. This week's sponsor: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Busting-Anti-Vax-Seriously-Arguments-Covid-Deniers/dp/B0BB5QVY61 Produced by Jason Clift Music by Tinderella