Welcome to The Weekly Sceptic, episode 81! This week: -Nike comes out with a wildly unpopular ‘playful update’ of the England flag -Beau Dade of Lotus Eaters is dropped by Reform UK, following a hit-piece from Hope Not Hate -The Khan Review is released, and Toby explains all -Plus everyone’s favourite section, Peak Woke, and premium content on www.basedmedia.org, which this week includes: -Candace Owens getting fired from the Daily Wire -Owen Jones quitting the Labour Party Go to www.basedmedia.org to sign up as a premium subscriber for as little as £5 a month! Buy tickets to The Weekly Sceptic Live: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-we... This week’s sponsor: The Live-In Care Company www.theliveincarecompany.co.uk 01189-145300 To advertise to our large and loyal audience, drop Toby a line on theweeklysceptic@gmail.com You can listen to or watch the podcast at: www.basedmedia.org Donate to the Daily Sceptic www.dailysceptic.org/donate/ Join the Free Speech Union www.freespeechunion.org/join/ Listen to Nick’s podcast – The Current Thing – https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast... Subscribe to Nick’s Substack www.nickdixon.net Help Nick keep both of his podcasts going by buying him a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nickdixon Produced by Lambeth Walk Productions. Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio. Music by Tinderella www.tinderella.info
moments ago...
No cord hanging from the TV this week. Hallelujah, it was doing my nut in.
@Nigel Sherratt
moments ago...
Hope Not Hate are very bad actors and should be ignored (see TR's info, coercing and bribing informants including supplying junkies) ND is spot on. Very likely a security state cut out.
@David Ward
moments ago...
See Toby is still on the ‘arc of progress’ nonsense. ‘We left behind……’ . There is no ‘right side of history’. We have tried to build ‘a Tower of Babel’ and that always fails.
@David Ward
moments ago...
Toby needs to read acqinas
moments ago...
A word on the Princess Catherine hysteria. Why did this happen? First, as you say, the public is primed for the latest conspiracy because they are lied to constantly. Second, there was no speculation at all, really, until the 'manipulated' Mothers' Day photo. Even then, that photo would probably have past unnoticed if it wasn't for the absurd, over-the-top media reaction with talk of 'kill notices' , words like 'unprecedented' and injunctions from the various press agencies to purge their servers of the image. It's hardly surprising this would start the ball rolling with the speculation. Next, the Royal Family essentially exists as a National Reality Soap Opera. People routinely speculate about the Royal Family. The wildly popular Netflix series 'the Crown' is essentially a Royal Soap Opera consisting of lots of speculation about the Royal Family. And so in summary, a cack-handed Royal PR operation and press hysteria propelled a public, primed for conspiracies and used to speculating about the Royal Family, into a bout of speculation. It's unfortunate. Now we know the reality, we can all wish Kate well and move on.
moments ago...
And can we have an edit facility on the comments so I can correct my spelling mistakes? Cheers.
moments ago...
@Toby. When you mention that wokism/atheism/communism are just versions of Christianity.. I would say that these belief systems have taken on copied some social activities that are the output of people who are living according to a life of faith in Christ. So these belief systems are Christian inspired social constructs but without Christ and the saving work of Christ.
@Kirsty Cruickshank
moments ago...
I always listen to the free bit on Castbox (last thing at night, so I need a sleep timer on!) The sound quality has really improved now you have the new studio.