J.K. Trolling
|J.K. Trolling - [The Weekly Sceptic]

82J.K. Trolling

The Weekly Sceptic

Uploaded on April 3, 2024

Welcome to The Weekly Sceptic, episode 82! This week: -JK Rowling dares Humza Yousaf and his goons in Police Scotland to arrest her for the crime of 'misgendering'. -A devastating new poll has the Conservatives winning just 98 seats -- and Rishi's might not be one of them! -Team GB says to the Football Association: "You think you've desecrated a British flag? Hold my beer."  -Plus everyone’s favourite section, Peak Woke, and premium content on www.basedmedia.org, which this week includes: -Just 38% of American voters think Biden will remain alive long enough to see out a second term. -Matthew Parris says the quiet part about euthanasia out loud. -And in the Based Department, Nick and Toby praise the President of Guyana for putting a sanctimonious BBC interviewer in his place on the subject of Net Zero. 
 Go to www.basedmedia.org to sign up as a premium subscriber for as little as £5 a month! Buy tickets to The Weekly Sceptic Live: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-weekly-sceptic-live-tickets-861636396657?aff=oddtdtcreator This week’s sponsor: Thor Holt Go to GrowthPresenter.com To advertise to our large and loyal audience, drop Toby a line on theweeklysceptic@gmail.com     You can listen to or watch the podcast at: www.basedmedia.org   Donate to the Daily Sceptic www.dailysceptic.org/donate/   Join the Free Speech Union www.freespeechunion.org/join/   Listen to Nick’s podcast – The Current Thing –  https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-current-thing/id1671573905   Subscribe to Nick’s Substack www.nickdixon.net Help Nick keep both of his podcasts going by buying him a coffee  https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nickdixon   Produced by Lambeth Walk Productions.  Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.    Music by Tinderella www.tinderella.info
@David Ward
moments ago...
What it comes down to is whether you are part of the culture of death or you believe in that all people we created in the image and likeness of God. Apply that test to our leaders, are they capable of wearing the crown of thorns? My leader is! Christ is king. Not Rishi, Humza, Tony or Klaus, we are watching the collapse of the Tower of Babel.
@Annabel Andrew
moments ago...
Haven't yet finished the epiosde but can't help thinking that you are both in a London bubble of opinion! Up here in the wilds of the North, no-one wants Net Zero- farmers know it's waste of time and energy, young people that I know ( admittedly my own kids are quite based- thank goodness!) and local friends who differed on Covid but are spot on with the bonkers dangerous Net Zero.
@David Smailes
moments ago...
As a Londoner this is good to hear. I certainly don't believe the oft quoted poll that said 73% support Net Zero. They're just virtue signalling to the pollsters. Put them in the privacy of a polling booth in a Referendum, having told them during the campaign how much Net Zero will cost them, and they may well take a very different view.
@Richard Cleary
moments ago...
Great episode guys but Nick was rather brief on his health status.
@Nigel Sherratt
moments ago...
Douglass Mackey case in USA (ten years potentially for a meme about voting for Clinton by SMS in 2016) puts those fine upstanding men and women of FBI who make sure that there is no malarkey in US elections into context.
@Kirsty Cruickshank
moments ago...
Assisted Dying = "Logan's Run"
@Gillian Johnston
moments ago...
Great episode, as always, guys. Toby really needs to get treatment for his TDS. His naivety re just how low/far the Dems will go to stay in power is mind boggling at times. Barry is still President in all but name - the great Thomas Sowell calls
@Gillian Johnston
moments ago...
(continuing previous comment)… Barry the worst President of all time, taking over from Jimmy Carter. The one consolation I have from following the US political is that it cheers me up (for about 5 minutes) re the mess in the UK.
@Gillian Johnston
moments ago...
Matthew Parris is 75 yrs old, is he therefore volunteering for MAID if it’s introduced? Or will he be exempt because he is fortunate enough to self-finance his health and social care costs?