Insane Asylum
|Insane Asylum - [The Weekly Sceptic]

74Insane Asylum

The Weekly Sceptic

Uploaded on February 6, 2024

Welcome to The Weekly Sceptic, episode 74! This week: -Toby has all the gossip from Liz Truss’s ‘PopCon’ event -A criminal who gamed the asylum system commits a despicable chemical attack, yet Gillian Keegan and others claim this is “not really about asylum” -MP Mike Freer steps down due to death threats and an arson attack -Some Premier League clubs appear to be spying on fans for wrongthink, in a massive story broken by the Free Speech Union -Tucker Carlson visits Russia, seemingly to record an interview with Vladimir Putin 
-Tony Blair issues his leadership manual, which many take to be a guide for Keir Starmer — Plus Peak Woke and extra content for our premium subscribers! This week's sponsor is Thor Holt!          WhatsApp: 07906 321593
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  Submit a Subject Access Request to your Premiership club and the Premier League to find out if you've been spied on by the Stadium Stasi here Music by Tinderella
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moments ago...
I'm not aure it ahould be illegal to say trans women are men even at a stadium. If someone can say trans women are women, why wouldn;t it be allowed to say the opposite?
@Toby Young
moments ago...
I don't think it would be illegal to say it either. But I suppose NUFC might have some basis for excluding a fan who said it repeatedly to a trans fan sitting next to them in the stadium – it could claim it was a breach of the club’s diversity and inclusion policy. But it cannot have any possible basis for excluding a fan who said it outside the stadium, on twitter and not to an NUFC fan or anyone connected to the club.