Welcome to the Weekly Sceptic, episode 80! This week: -How much longer can Rishi Sunak survive after his worst week since becoming PM and with Penny Mordaunt on manoeuvres? -Vaughan Gething, the new Welsh First Minister, becomes the first black politician to lead a European country, but his record as Health Minister during the pandemic was appalling -Scotland rolls out its new Hate Crime law and whatever can go wrong, does go wrong, including locating a hate crime reporting centre in a Glaswegian sex shop, recruiting a dodgy Islamist to explain how awful 'Islamophobia' is and activating the new law on April Fool’s Day -GB News found guilty of breaking Ofcom’s broadcasting rules. Is the regulator gearing up to withdrawing the channel's broadcasting licence to please its new Labour overlords? -Hope Not Hate's new 'State of Hate' report identifies three GB News reporters as dangerous purveyors of far Right hate -Plus everyone’s favourite section, Peak Woke! Premium content this week includes: -The latest sightings of the Princess of Wales and why she doesn't scotch all the rumours about her health and her marriage by posing for an official photo? -The Donald Trump 'bloodbath' hoax -Elon Musk's interview with Don Lemon -Our nominations for the most ‘Based’ acts of the week, in the ‘Based Department’
 Go to www.basedmedia.org to sign up as a premium subscriber for as little as £5 a month! Buy tickets to The Weekly Sceptic Live: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-weekly-sceptic-live-tickets-861636396657?aff=oddtdtcreator This week’s sponsors: The Live-In Care Company www.theliveincarecompany.co.uk 01189-145300 To advertise to our large and loyal audience, drop Toby a line on theweeklysceptic@gmail.com You can listen to or watch the podcast at: www.basedmedia.org Donate to the Daily Sceptic www.dailysceptic.org/donate/ Join the Free Speech Union www.freespeechunion.org/join/ Listen to Nick’s podcast – The Current Thing – https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-current-thing/id1671573905 Subscribe to Nick’s Substack www.nickdixon.net Help Nick keep both of his podcasts going by buying him a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nickdixon Produced by Podscapers www.podscapers.com Music by Tinderella www.tinderella.info
@Nigel Sherratt
moments ago...
TY completely wrong about Trump (ND completely correct) , is there anyone more fascist, racist, antisemitic than Biden (or at least his operators)?
@Nigel Sherratt
moments ago...
Hope not Hate is a transparent 'Cut Out'. Also serious wrong 'uns of course (see TR for chapter and verse).
@Matthew McDonnell
moments ago...
I like the studio set up. Nice jacket Nick.
@Andrea King
moments ago...
Toby comes up with the weirdest fake conspiracy theories.
@John C
moments ago...
BTW from what I heard, Musk didn’t cancel Don Lemon from X… Lemon can still publish his X show. Musk actually cancelled a contract to pay Lemon for the show - before it even started. Can’t blame him. Lemon is genuinely awful.
moments ago...
Greetings all.
@John Tracey
moments ago...
Love the studio set up, so much better when you two are in the same room
@Richard Cleary
moments ago...
Great new studio makes for much better viewing but Nicks preparation is indicated by his smart attire whilst Toby has turned up in his gardening clothes.